WARNING: Chrome Users and Bowmaster Winter Storm

I just discovered that Chrome deletes your saved game files if you clear browser data and select “Delete cookies and other site and plug-in data”

So if you need to clear your browser cache then make sure to back up your game file. Here’s how:

Windows 7:
C:\Users\”your user name”\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\#SharedObjects\”some random looking number”\www.lostvectors.com\winterstormbeta\bmws_beta.swf

Google “Flash Shared Objects” for more info on where it’s located for other operating systems.

Backup all files located there. But the most important is this one:

It’s a good idea to back this up before clearing your browser cache if the game doesn’t load correctly.

If you have ever lost your profile in the past. Please let me know in the comments and please answer the following poll question:

Bowmaster Winter Storm should save your progress even after you close the browser. Have you ever lost your profile data after returning to the game?

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