Here is a pre-alpha version of a game I’m working on. It’s a spacecraft building game.
Stay tuned for updates. As always, feedback is much appreciated.
Step 1: Make a ship
Tap on the left buttons to add parts to your ship.
Tap on the part in the “Ship” panel to select it. When selected, the part will be highlighted red and have circles around it.
Drag the green circle to move the part.
Drag the light-blue circle to rotate and scale the part.
Tap the background to de-select the part.
If a part is selected and you tap a part button from the left, it may swap the part (if applicable).
If no part is selected then tapping on a part button will add a new part to your ship.
Press the “Save” button to save your ship.
Press the “New” button to make a new empty ship.
Press the “Delete” button to delete the selected part.
Press the “Battle” button to watch spacecrafts fly through space.
Step 2: Battle
Note: The Battle mode is a mini-game meant only as a demo (is not the final game).
In battle mode may see your ships as well as ships created by other players. Currently the ships just fly around peacefully, but you may choose which ship lives or dies by tapping on the ships you wish to end.
Victory is achieved by destroying all of the red ships.
Defeat occurs if only red ships exist.
Again, these simple objectives are just for demo purposes and will likely change in future releases.
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