Jack-o-Lantern Maker

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Here’s a draft version of a Jack-o-Lantern Maker I made. I’m still adding to it. I will be adding more shapes soon. Stay tuned. Let me know what you think in the comments.


Click and drag an item from the right side to the left side of the screen.

Click on a mode button along the bottom to change the mouse tool mode. To use a tool, click on the tool button then click on the piece you want to manipulate with that tool.

Tool modes (from left to right):
1. Drag Piece (click-hold-release)
2. Rotate Piece (click-hold-release)
3. Scale Piece (click-hold-release)
4. Flip Horizontal (click to toggle)
5. Flip Vertical (click to toggle)
6. Delete (click to delete)

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